Why I love photographing Middle School children...

Every year the tree in my backyard blooms beautifully for about 4 point 2 seconds (apologies for the sarcasm... it just seems that the gorgeous Spring flowers are just so fleeting) Coincidentally, this year that was about how long my 14 year old daughter gave me to play pictures with her before she cut me off.  (heehee) Let me explain...

Impromptu photo shoots are nothing new for my kiddos (welcome to having a photographer Mom) but as my daughter became a teenager, I felt this overwhelming need to create a visual reminder for her. Of what you might ask? Of her big, wild curls, her joy, and the things that make her uniquely special.  Maybe more simply, I really just needed an  unflinching counter balance to Middle School culture. (And according to my daughter, I needed to get it done before basketball practice!)

I am often struck by how often young girls... and full grown women, do not see their beauty in the way that the rest of us do.  By far, my greatest blessing is in creating portraits that positively speak louder to our spirit than any whisper of doubt ever could.

For more children and family portraits click here.


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