The Best Tips for Timeless Style | Senior Guys
Fellas, when it come to styling for your senior portrait experience, we adore a wardrobe inspired by classic, timeless pieces. Now, classic does not mean out-of-fashion or dated; you can elevate your basics to a polished look by following a few simple tips.
Create a strong base outfit. The trick to nailing this is to select pieces that are tailored and well-fitting to you! This lays a great foundation for the rest of your styling.
Incorporate variety through textures, layers, and color blocking. Sport coats and sweaters are popular options for fellas who want to elevate their outfit and create interest with their style. We love Ryan’s outfit change, below, where he wore an awesome short sleeve knit that walked the line between classic and trendy!
Remember that nothing looks better than confidence. Mic drop. And if you forget your confidence at home, then our team is ready to hype you up!