This one is for the book.... making memories into a treasured keepsake

“This one is for the book!” - I’m pretty sure I say that phrase at some point during every family shoot. It’s usually when something fun, silly, or maybe even decidedly “un-done’ happens but I wanted to talk a little bit about why these moments are treasured keepsakes. In a word - they are “real” and they become the images later that will make your heart smile.

You might be wondering what I mean by “book” so let me explain. We design a gorgeous flush-mount album from almost every family session that includes all of your favorite portraits from your family experience. The cover is typically your family in all of your photogenic awesomeness.

Open the cover and that’s where the real magic unfolds. The in-between moments that are both perfect and un-perfect all presented in one beautiful story that is your family right now.

I tell Mom’s all of the time - put these moments in your book. You will marvel at how much you enjoy the candid captures later. (And the things that you were critical about yourself… trust me, later all you will see is how young and beautiful you were too!!!)

Things that we forget about who these little humans were at this time come rushing back with just one turn of the page. Can you believe I’ve been photographing this lovely family since their baby boy was in Mom’s tummy? It’s true… and she has the books to prove it.

One of the things we hear most from our clients is how much they enjoy having the portraits from their session in one place with no “to do” item… nothing to frame or figure out. Plus — BONUS you have all of the moments socially too for your phone to show/share on Facebook, Instagram and with family. Best of both worlds.


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