3 Styling Tips for Our Curly Queens

We wanted to share a few tips to set you up for success before your camera ready styling appointment.

Outdoor inspiration for beautiful high school girls fabuous curls during her senior portraits

01. Plan ahead for your full curly girl hair wash routine in advance of your photo shoot. Consider if you hair can handle being washed the day before or if it will be happier to be washed the morning of. Specifically focus on hydration and moisturizing your hair in your routine!

02. Bring sample photos of your hair when you like it the most as well as inspiration photos to show your stylist! We believing that styling is a collaboration, and you can trust that your hair and makeup expert will be a great listener as the first step in making your vision come to life.

03. Avoid touching your hair once it’s been styled. This will prevent frizz and separation of curls. Of course, our team will make sure your hair stays beautifully styled throughout the entire photo shoot!

Studio inspiration for beautiful high school girls fabuous curls during her senior portraits

We wouldn’t blame you if you brought in miss Naomi’s senior photos as your inspiration for your hair styling…we are definitely going to have curl envy forever!

Studio inspiration for beautiful high school girls fabuous curls during her senior portraits

This is YOUR year, seniors!


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Meet the Model: Alexis | Skyline HS