The Secret to Building Your Brand

We have all heard - “Talking to everyone is like talking to no one.” We fully agree, and we want to share with you the secret to building your brand …get clear on who you are trying to help.

We have been industry leading professional photographers for almost 20 years and here’s what we believe: branding and messaging is just fancy talk for showing up publicly after you have answered the following questions…

Candid studio portrait of Tori Dunlap Financial Feminist

QUESTION 1. Who benefits the most from what I do? (Ideal Audience)

QUESTION 2. What do they need to learn from me? (Action Needed)

QUESTION 3. Am I communicating visually, verbally and physically that I understand the assignment? (Brand)

Tori Dunlap Financial Feminist showcased on Market Watch
Financial Feminist Tori Dunlap on Market Watch

Great Example:
Tori Dunlap fully understands her mission and it was so cool to see her (and our work) all over the national news. What she is doing to educate women and empower their financial freedom is just so inspiring. ⭐️ Branding done right!


Enchanting Fields of Greenery (part 2)


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